Under our 2019-2023 GEU/MSU contract, all employees are supposed to receive course-specific training. If you have not received training for the class you are teaching, please call the Union office at 517-332-2824 or send us an email at geu@geuatmsu.org.
Training & Professional Development Opportunities
The Teaching Assistants Program, part of the Graduate School, offers several workshops each semester to help with your teaching or career advancement. See what they have to offer here: TAP Workshops
The Grad School website offers several resources to help you develop different teaching styles, which you can view online here.
This page helps with designing and running online and blended courses: Learning Design and Technology
The Graduate School also offers a unique opportunity for TAs in some colleges to get a certification in college teaching. This can help you both with your teaching and with getting a job later. To find out more, go here: Certification in College Teaching
This grad student blog hosted by Inside Higher Ed has helpful articles and ideas on teaching as well as a host of other subjects: GradHacker
The Center for Teaching and Technology offers some resources as well.
As the pandemic continues, you can also find helpful resources for online and hybrid teaching at Keep Teaching MSU.