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Mental Health

Mental Health

GEU members have two avenues available for mental health treatment:


The MSU Counseling Center provides confidential counseling services to all MSU registered students.  Personal, couples and group counseling are available, and students receive 8 free visits with a counselor.  Counseling services are offered to help students address concerns in a number of areas including depression, anxiety, substance abuse, stress management, family or other relationships, career decision-making, sexual assault, cultural identity, lesbian/bi/gay/transgender issues, and interpersonal concerns.  For more information visit https://caps.msu.edu/ or call 517-355-8270.

Under the Graduate Assistant health insurance plan, all TAs get three (3) free visits with a psychiatrist at Olin.  You must have a referral from either the Counseling Center or the Olin Primary Care Clinic to see a psychiatrist at Olin.  Your health insurance also covers an additional 25 visits per year to a psychiatrist at Olin or another preferred provider for a $15 copay.  To find a psychiatrist in the preferred network visit http://www.bcbsm.com/content/microsites/msu/en/index.html .

Remember, to visit a psychiatrist outside of Olin, you must have a referral from Olin.  For more information, contact the Counseling Center at 517-355-8270 or Olin Health Center at 517-355-4510, or visit olin.msu.edu/services/couns_psych.htm.


The EAP is a free, confidential counseling service available to MSU employees and their family members dealing with work-related stress, personal stress, depression and anxiety, alcohol and drug abuse, relationship problems, family issues, addiction, grief and loss and other personal concerns.  Employees have 4-6 free visits per year.  For more information visit eap.msu.edu or call 517-355-4506.  This is confidential and your employer will not be notified if you use this service.

If you have any other questions about mental health benefits, contact the GEU’s Healthcare Advocates at geu@geuatmsu.org or 517-332-2824.