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If you are denied coverage under our health plan you should immediately contact the GEU at geu@geuatmsu.org or (517) 332-2824

Save all correspondence, including envelopes, from Blue Care Network and your health care providers.

Often your first indication that there is a problem is when your health care provider sends you a bill. Do not wait for an official rejection letter from Blue Care Network. Begin your appeal immediately because an official rejection letter may not be sent.

All correspondence should be in writing and sent certified mail, tracked and confirmed – use the following address for all correspondence.  This way you will be able to document your letter if your information is lost.  Also, include all identifiers in your correspondence such as the insurance claim number and explicitly state that you are appealing their decision.

BCN Claims
P.O. Box 68710
Grand Rapids, MI 49516-8710

When your health care providers begin sending you bills that Aetna Student Health should have covered, immediately send a letter to all of your health care providers explaining that you are appealing Blue Care Network’s decision, ask for leniency (meaning that they shouldn’t immediately send your unpaid bill to a collection agency), and explain that you will continue to contact them with any new information.

Remember, MSU cannot put any holds on a student account because of healthcare related bills.

To find a copy of the current insurance benefits plan for graduate assistants at MSU, go to: https://www.hr.msu.edu/benefits/graduate-assistants/documents/BCN_GA_Benefit_Document.pdf

To file a complaint with the state of Michigan regarding an insurance provider, please go to: http://www.michigan.gov/difs/0,5269,7-303-12902_12907—,00.html

To file a complaint with the Michigan Licensing board regarding a specific health care provider, please go to: http://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-72600_73836—,00.html