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Dependent Coverage

Dependent Coverage

Under the 2019-2023 contract MSU will contribute $2,500 towards the cost for GA’s who wish to enroll a dependent, spouse or Other Eligible Individual (OEI), and $2,700 towards the cost for GA’s who wish to enroll multiple dependents.


• The insured student’s spouse residing with the student;

• The insured Graduate Assistant’s Other Eligible Individual (OEI)*

• The insured student’s children up to age of 26.

*Other Eligible Individual (OEI) affidavits must be on file with MSU Human Resources. For Other Eligible Individual eligibility requirements please contact MSU Human Resources at: (800) 353-4434, (517) 353-4434, or studentinsurance@hr.msu.edu; or Blue Care Network (BCN) at: (800) 662-6667..

You must enroll all dependents online at:

BCN Customer Service: 800-662-6667
Website/Enrollment: bcbsm.com/msu

We recommend that you initially enroll your dependent(s) using the computers in the MSU Human Resources Office in the Nisbet Building (1407 S. Harrison Rd., Suite 110) where there are people to assist you.

Spouses and OEI must go to Olin first before going to any other doctor or treatment facility UNLESS it is an emergency or you are more than 45 miles from the MSU East Lansing campus.

Dependent children cannot go to Olin and should instead use the MSU Health Team. For more information visit www.healthteam.msu.edu or call the Pediatric Primary Care Clinic at 517-353-3003 or 517-342-6413.