Why should you become a member?
Signing a membership card and paying GEU dues gives you an equal voice in setting union policy and the opportunity to control your wages, benefits, and working conditions. Being a member shows your support for all of the past GEU members who have bargained for the benefits you enjoy – and a way of committing yourself to making things better for TAs (and RAs) in the future. Joining the GEU increases our negotiating strength.
Each additional member reinforces the message to the administration that the GEU is a force to be taken seriously. Our experience shows that this greatly improves and protects working conditions. Graduate employees are dependent on the university not only for appointments to cover a portion of their living expenses, but also for grades and recommendations. Only a strong union can bargain for fair contracts and protect graduate employees from excessive workloads, harassment, discrimination, and retribution, all of which could damage our future careers. If you think you don’t need to join because things are fine in your department, think again.
No matter how good they are, they could be even better, especially with the budget as tight as it is these days. Besides, even if things seem fine now, conditions could deteriorate with a shift in university priorities, a new department chair, or bad budget news. Only an effective union presence guarantees that the administration doesn’t react to these changes by trying to squeeze more work out of its graduate employees.
Sign your union card
Not a TA? You can still join!
Your union fights for you whether you are a research assistant, teaching assistant, fellowship student, or self-supporting! To join as an Associate Member, fill out the form below! Membership is only $40 a semester, which allows us to show solidarity with all graduate students when we negotiate with the university. Furthermore, as an associate member, you will have the right to vote on leadership, attend all union meetings, and vote on all issues (except contract ratification which is restricted to members of the Collective Bargaining Unit in question)!
Sign up by filling out the Associate Member join form!
Contact Us
The Union is strong because of each member, don’t hesitate to reach out, ask a question, or get involved!
Follow us on social media @GradEmpUnion on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and @geuatmsu.org on Bluesky.