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Uncategorized – Page 5

Bargaining Retreat & General Membership Meeting

The Graduate Employees Union will be hosting our bargaining retreat for members who want to be active with GEU September 29 & 30 at Sleepy Hollow State Park. The goal […]


Statement on Proposed Tuition Increase

As MSU publicly considers shifting the burden of the institution’s failures onto graduate and out of state students, please be aware that your GEU contract guarantees all grad students who […]


Join a bargaining research team this summer!

GEU is looking for members to join issue research teams for bargaining this summer. Many hands make light work and we’d love to have your support!


Statement from the Graduate Employees Union Regarding Mosallam’s “A New Day for MSU”

The Graduate Employees Union supports MSU Trustee Brian Mosallam’s reform proposal, “A New Day for MSU” and emphatically echoes his call for “drastic voluntary remediation. For too long MSU’s Board […]