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Come to the Grade-In on April 4th!

Come to the Grade-In on April 4th!


The university has rejected our proposals for a raise in the minimum stipend at MSU, increasing tuition waivers, affordable housing, and several other key economic issues without providing any counter-proposals. The message is clear, MSU does not value you or your labor enough to pay you what you’re worth!

We’re going to send a message right back to them! On Thursday, April 4th 8:45am-2:00pm in the middle of the Nisbet building we will be holding a grade-in (just bring any work you have- grading, research, course work, etc), showing MSU the labor that we perform to make this university function while our bargaining team conducts negotiations down the hall.

Please attend at any give point between 8:45am-2pm

If you plan on attending please RSVP and respond to this email with the times you can be in Nisbet and if you need/have a ride (Nisbet is also accessible by the 20 and 38 CATA line bus)

Grade-In Flyer.png

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